Episode 79

Microbiome, Personalized Nutrition and Longevity with Tim Spector, MD

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Tim Spector, MD founded TwinsUK in 1992, one of the richest collections of clinical data in the world with over 15,000 identical twins enrolled. In addition to publishing over 900 scientific papers, he also authored the best-selling book, Diet Myth, Spoon-Fed and the Sunday Times best-seller, Food for Life.

In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation podcast, I sit down with Dr. Spector, an internationally renowned expert in microbiome science and personalized nutrition as he argues against low-fat diets and fad diets, and instead advocates for a largely plant-based diet from a wide variety of plants, high in fiber and limiting ultra-processed foods.

During this episode, we talk about a wide range of topics, including precision nutrition, gut health and longevity. Some key questions and topics we discuss are:

  • What is precision nutrition, and why do we need it?
  • Gut microbes and metabolic health
  • Does gut health play a causative role in longevity?
  • What is ZOE, the company Dr. Spector co-founded, and what can ZOE do for me?

Throughout his career, Dr. Spector has received many awards and prizes, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and the Academy of Medical Sciences. He is ranked by Google as being in the top 100 most cited scientists in the world.

We hope you enjoy the episode! To learn more about ZOE, you can listen to their Science & Nutrition podcast here!